Thursday, April 05, 2007
can't wait for next year=]
you sang to me @ {12:20:00 AM}
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
what an emo monday. =]
so we went for training today.
and yet again, it seemed like it was turning out to be a huge waste of time.
until the last part where we got a little chance to play.
okay what can i say.
at least i managed to perspire.
viv looked pissed at roy
okay its been quite long since i last saw the hockay gals
anyways im damn sad lah !
just heard that danker's not gonna coach us anymore !!!
die !
damn emo already.
shit lah i want danker loh !!
they say he's just gonna concentrate on the guys prob cos he's been with them for much longer than he's been with us..
then got some national goalie guy coming to coach us or stuff..
he better be good .
you sang to me @ {2:13:00 AM}
Sunday, April 01, 2007
i'm sorry.didn't expect things to turn out this way.won't happen again...
you sang to me @ {3:44:00 AM}